Interview Series #1: Spyder

Meaningful questions & enlightening answers

Diana C.
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
6 min readMay 14, 2022


Image by Fotocitizen from Pixabay

Happy Weekend everybody!

How was your week? Busy? Not so busy? Either way, today is a great opportunity to take some time off and chill, do your self-care routine and, when you’re ready, indulge in KTHT’s very first interview series with our editors! If you’re not sure what I’m waffling on about, you can check this article out and find out what we’ve been up to for the last week.

Spyder is one of our wonderful editors whose support we are eternally grateful for! He has been around ever since the early days of the publication, submitting enlightening articles and encouraging us all to keep going through his comments, claps and highlights. We appreciate you, Spyder!

I was so excited to do this interview with him and to be able to share his wisdom in a different format than the one you’ve gotten used to. Let’s get straight into it, shall we?

Diana C.: Hello, Spyder! As promised, I will send the questions one by one and you can take your time to answer. There’s no rush. It will be more like a meaningful chat, rather than an actual interview. Oh, and thanks again for accepting to do this.

Spyder: Good morning. Scared!

Diana C: No need to be. My first question is probably the easiest of them all… How do you measure life?

Spyder: How I have measured life has changed over time. For the first half of my life or more, I used a scoreboard. I viewed life in terms of wins or losses. Sometimes literally when it came to my coaching career and other times figuratively. Any year all of my students were unsuccessful was a loss, sometimes a deeper loss than others. Relationships also tended to be counted as wins and losses. Counting them this way meant most were losses… Even then, though not spiritual in nature and more so agnostic, I tried to be a better person each day.

I also measured life in terms of people. I was never one to be overly concerned with the quantity of friends; I was more concerned with the quality of the friendships I had. Close friends came in and out of my life due mainly to proximity. There was no internet back then. The only exception is my friend Gerry who has been a constant in my life for more



Diana C.
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Founder & Editor of KTHT. Here to pen, polish and provoke thoughts /